For this hike I planned the route along 2 old ruins of castles. The elevation was kept to a minimum where possible. Here is an overview of my gear for this 2 night trip. As a good tradition, we started the trip in the dark on Friday evening, and went […]
For this trip we where suppose to be a group of 5 people. But 1 person cancelled the evening before, and another 2 cancelled while Bara and me where already at the meeting point. Since we where already packed and ready to go, we decided to continue as planned. We […]
For this hike we planned the route along some small lakes and a river, so we could fish as well during the hike. The first small lake was rather disappointing, it was only 1/3 of the size it was suppose to be. Shortly after we arrived at a suitable location where we […]
Together with 3 friends we went for a hike in the snowy mountains of Czech Republic. We planned the have dinner at a restaurant on the first day, so the food supply’s we took where limited. Here is my gear and what I brought for food. We met at my […]
For this trip I flew to Oslo, Norway, and my 2 friends from Holland flew in directly from Holland. The plan was to go around a fjord, try catch some fish for food, and enjoy the landscape. Some advise, don’t stuff your hobo stove with a solar battery charger for […]
With a group of 4 ladies from the riding club, we went for a hike in the South East of Czech Republic. We planned a 2 night trip, but the rain was quite intensive that there was no fun anymore much, so we made it only a 1 night trip. […]
This hike was planned in East Czech Republic, through some forbidden military training area. This meant we where not suppose to be there, but also very clean nature, no tourists, etc. We figured that was well worth the risk. We parked the car in a village on the edge of […]
Three friends from Holland came for a week to visit me, and one the plans we made was a long hike. This was their first hike ever. Here we are packing all our stuff for the hike. By bus we went to our destination. And after a a refreshment in a […]