Testing skills
Together with Thomas we attended a 3 day outdoor cooking course.We learned all kinds of cooking on coals and fire, with Dutch ovens and without.It was a very tasty and fun experience, hopefully soon again some time 🙂
Testing various charred materials with flint and steel, some natural materials and some man made materials. It’s always good to test things out yourself instead of believing rumors 🙂
After cleaning up at home, I decided to get rid of some old netbooks, mobiles and camera’s. And before throwing it away, why not split it open with an axe ? 🙂 Check my blog for more axe related things: www.dabberty.com
I’ve always had a fear of heights. And this limited me in certain area’s which are great for hiking. So a couple of months ago I decided to start with climbing in an indoor place, together with Mirek who is more advanced. He taught me a lot of technique on […]
Every now and then I like to try my fire making skills with the firesteel, so today I took 6 different natural materials that are commonly available and tried to ignite them.
I used a Italian bread recipe, but with a few personal adjustments, and made bread in the Dutch oven. Turned out quite well, but the crust was a little thick. Next time I will try to make it thinner. The chicken was also delicious 🙂
During the last night of this trip, it started raining and continued till the end of the next day. Next day morning it was only drizzling, so nothing a rain poncho can’t fix. I collected some smaller and bigger branches from the ticker forest next to us, since it was […]
For dinner on this trip I brought some chilli garlic pasta, for which I needed a spoon. So the carving started. A nice test for my carving skills.
First time that I tried the 1 stick fire with my axe it took me about 20 minutes. On this second try my goal was 10 minutes, but it took me 12 minutes and 18 seconds. Very close..
First time I did the 1 stick fire test it took me about 20 minutes. On this second try, my goal was now to do it within 10 minutes, and I just made it within the 10 minutes.