Together with 3 friends we went for a hike in the snowy mountains of Czech Republic. We planned the have dinner at a restaurant on the first day, so the food supply’s we took where limited. Here is my gear and what I brought for food.
We met at my friends place, and there I noticed a big crack in my snow pants, so I had to quickly fix it. His lady lend me the sewing stuff.
We arrived in the mountains after sunset, and at the parking place was a nice pub, which we used to warm up before the hike started.
Time to start. At this altitude there was not much snow, so the snowshoe’s where not needed yet.
After a short walk we found a nice suitable place for a camp. We had 2 tents with us.
For sleeping I used cell-foam mattress, and a normal sleeping bag, with inside a summer sleeping bag. Kept me very warm and comfortable during the night.
No fire that evening, we went asleep quickly. The next morning we had a quick breakfast in the tents, then packed it all up and went on our way.
We climbed a lot up that morning, which was quite exhausting with everything being very slippery.
After a few hours walk mostly up, we found a nice natural refreshment 🙂
Shortly after this, Honza noticed he lost his walking sticks, so we had a break while he was backtracing his steps to find them. That gave us the opportunity for some relaxing and picture shooting. On top of the hill it was very sunny and actually quite warm (at least it felt like that after the hard climb up) In the bottles was some home made slivovice (sort of wodka from plums or peaches)
Also the perfect opportunity to call the girlfriend while our sweaty clothes where drying in the sun.
And you can of course not pass an perfect opportunity to make snow angels 🙂
Soon Honza came back with his walking sticks.
He also had a quick rest, then we packed up again, made a group picture, and continued with snowshoe’s.
When everything is covered with snow, it is easier (with snowshoe’s) to go across the country side, and enjoy the great clear views it creates.
I almost made it to the top of the rock within the 10 seconds of the timer 🙂
I also had time to test my new Swedish stove that I bought. it worked quite well, but due to the shape not easy to clean. Will need to find a better solution for that.
Later in the evening we arrived at the mountain pub/restaurant/hotel where we sat down and had a refreshment and some nice warm dinner.
Then back outside, into the pine forest, to setup camp, gather some wood for a nice small fire, and a good night sleep.
The next morning, a picture of how we insulated our sleeping pads, break fast, and Martin having frozen shoe’s (he forgot to put them in the tent during the night…)
We packed everything up, cleaned out the tents, and went on our way.
It was time to go back direction the car, so mostly down from this point on. We tried sliding on our backpacks, but that did not work 🙂
At a small WWII bunker we stopped for lunch. You can see the entrance door being almost covered with snow. In this area was at least 1.5 meters of snow.
And to finish this nice hike, we celebrated in the starting pub/restaurant, with some nice cool refreshments 🙂