This hike was planned in East Czech Republic, through some forbidden military training area. This meant we where not suppose to be there, but also very clean nature, no tourists, etc. We figured that was well worth the risk. We parked the car in a village on the edge of this location, and had a big meal with refreshments before we started.
We the climbed up the nearest hill where a castle ruin was, and made our camp there.
This was my first time in a hammock in winter time. I learned a lot from this hike 🙂
Time to pack up and go to the military area. On our way we would pass the location where spring water (one of the biggest brands of Czech Republic) is produced from springs in the hills. They also made one available for the public, which is very nice on a hike like this, that you can refill your water supply with fresh spring water.
And soon we arrived at the forbidden area through a small side road.
Nature was indeed very nice, and after a while we stopped for making some lunch.
Time to setup camp, and prepare a nice fire.
During that night, some knee high animal, perhaps boar, walked under my hammock and bumped into me with his back. Quite a shock at that moment 🙂
Next day time to pack up and continue.