2013/02/03 – Day hike: mission pine needle tea + gear testing

During the last week I have been cleaning up my “man cave”, since it was getting too full.
I mean, who needs 7 hammocks, 5 tarps, etc.
So during the cleaning process, I was thinking about giving some stuff away…

A friend of mine in the UK, started also with day hikes and what some people call bushcraft. To motive him a bit I figured that I could send him one of my DIY tarp & hammock and a simple cook set.

Also, it’s been a while that I had pine needle tea, and for some reason I really felt for drinking it.
So what to do…
I grabbed my bag, put there my small cook set that you can see in 1 of my youtube video’s here on my blog under the “My gear” section, took my knife, hammock and tarp and simple cook set that I prepared for my friend, and went into a small forest close by, to test it out, and shoot a short video for my friend, explaining how to set it all up.

The area I had chosen on google maps, turned out nicer then expected.


After about 15 minutes walk next to a small stream, i heard some branches cracking behind me, and a group of +/- 10 deer was crossing the small stream.
I quickly grabbed my camera, but of course missed them all..
Here below is where they where crossing the stream


So I continued walking, following the stream to find a suitable place with some pine tree’s.


The roots for this tree looked quite nice, worth a picture.


And here a wooden stake was long ago put next to the tree I guess, but now the tree has grown around it for the most part. Quite interesting how nature sometimes overtakes..







I found a few small pine tree’s, where I took a handful of the youngest looking branches.


Time to test out the tarp & hammock, and make the video.



After setting up, I prepared the pine needle tea. Here boiling the water from the stream.


Water is boiling, now letting it cool down for a few minutes and then adding the chopped up pine needles.


I decided to lift one side up by tying it a bit higher to some tree’s, so I would have a better view while I would enjoy the tea and my cuban cigar from the hammock.


True pleasure 🙂
Hanging in the hammock, viewing a nice landscape in +1 Celsius, with a cuban cigar and a nice cup of warm pine needle tea 🙂


The end  🙂