Outdoor trips Day hike in Jizersky Hory by dabberty|Published 2021/11/20 Together with 2 friends we hiked in the beautiful forests of the Jizerksy mountains.
Published 2021/06/12 Canoeing trip in the Sazava river, CZ Just a 16km canoeing trip with my friends.We split in 2 canoe’s, Soumya and me, and Tauhid and Moba.Soumya had done it […]
Published 2013/05/18 2013/05/18 – Spring hike with Mirek For this trip, we took only wool blankets to sleep in, and hammock as backup.Mirek took almost no food with him, and […]
Published 2011/11/11 2011/11/11 – Weekend hike with 4 friends For this hike I planned the route along 2 old ruins of castles. The elevation was kept to a minimum where possible. […]