Outdoor trips Day hike in the Krkonose mountains by dabberty|Published 2022/05/15 Together with a group of Internationals friends we did a day hike in the Krkonose mountains.
Published 2013/02/24 2013/02/23 – One night snow hike Together with Mirek, we went for a 1 over night snow hike in Czech nature. The hike was about 10 km in […]
Published 2023/10/22 Day hike with my son Just a short hike with my son and new dog, testing his fire making skills and collected a few mushrooms for a […]
Published 2015/11/30 2015/11/26 – 5 day winter hike With Jan, Linda, my dog and me, we did a 5 day hike. 3 days in snowy mountains, and 2 days in […]