Outdoor trips Day hike in Prachovske Skaly by dabberty|Published 2022/11/27 Together with Tauhid a day hike in the beautiful rocks of Prachovske Skaly
Published 2015/02/15 2015/02/15 – 3 day hike with Waidmann With a friend from Holland, here a small overview of the 3 day, 2 night trip in the west of Czech Republic. […]
Published 2021/10/03 Day hike to castle ruin Hazmburk Together with 2 Indian friends we hikes to castle ruin Hazmburk.
Published 2015/09/13 2015/09/12 – Weekend hike with Mirek and my dog. Just a simple nice hike in a beautiful area, with my friend Mirek and my dog. The hike went a bit different […]