Outdoor trips Day hike in Jizersky Hory by dabberty|Published 2022/11/12 Together with Tauhid we did a day hike in the Jizersky Hory mountains.
Published 2020/09/05 16 km day hike in Cesky Raj A 16km day hike with some friends in Cesky Raj, which means Czech HeavenAlong the route in the beautiful rock area where […]
Published 2014/07/19 2014/07/19 – Switzerland hike: Prättigauer Höhenweg For this trip my friend Bart who is also a Dutch guy but living in Switzerland, joined me and my dog Buddy. […]
Published 2020/08/15 12 km day hike in Ceske Svycarsko A 12 km hike with friends in the Ceske Svycarsko area. Sadly 1 couple and their dog had to return after half […]